I have had enough. I hope people don't read this post and think that I am terribly vein, ungrateful, or crazy. I realize that I am extremely lucky in the fact that I was born with thin genes. Not to say that I don't have to be discliplined and work hard to keep my shape, but I have always been thin. Before I became pregnant I felt muscular, I loved working out almost daily and was very happy with my body shape. I am no longer pleased with my shape. I think that is what we should all strive for, satisfaction with our bodies. I am not satisfied. It's not that I need to loose any weight, I need to put on muscle. It's not easy for me to put on muscle, it's actually very difficult. Between being pregnant and having an infant, I have lost my butt and it is starting to wear on me. I do not want to be skinny fat anymore and I want my muscular legs and butt back. To accomplish this I need to lift weights, and not once a week but at least three times a week (minimum). I've been privately struggling with this for a few months and now I need to make it public to hopefully encourage me to stick with a workout regimine. I'm posting my workouts and will check in weekly to update my progress.
You would think as a stay at home mom I would have plenty of time to get a workout everyday. This has not been the case and I have not made time. Seriously, I can get my lifting done in 20 minutes and I am committing to a 20 minute session three times a week. Cardio will come in time and I'm not really concerned about that right now as I'm burning enough calories simply from breastfeeding and lugging around an 18 lb baby all day! The problem is that when I do have a free minute from Avery, I am cleaning, messing around online, reading, and not making working out a priority. So here goes my vow to change! Wish me luck :)